You're Invited.

Ready to connect with other PWB attendees at Cannes Film Festival? See who's coming, send messages, and set meetings. Join the  community on the Portrait app below. Learn more about Portrait here.


Portrait House Lounge @ Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival

This is a community space to meet with other filmmakers and industry attendees – or just take a breather. 

Portrait House Lounge
October 8th - 10th
Al Capone Suite
Arlington Resort Hotel and Spa
Downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas

Lounge Hours
Sunday: Noon to 4 pm
Monday: 10 to 5 pm
Tuesday: 10 to 5 pm

Hot Springs Filmmaker Mixer
Sunday October 8th   |   5:30-7:30 pm
Al Capone Suite
Arlington Resort Hotel and Spa
Downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas

Celebrate opening weekend with featured filmmakers and industry guests. Drinks and light snacks provided. Swap contact info using your personal QR contact card.

Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival Page on the Portrait App

Hot Springs Filmmaker Experience on Portrait

The HSDFF Filmmaker Experience brings you the Festival on your phone, on the go. Hot Springs was looking for a way to enhance the attendee experience and facilitate broader filmmaker connectivity. Portrait’s platform does just that.

Featured Hot Springs filmmakers and panelists can:

  • See who’s attending
  • Connect and chat with each other
  • Get a rundown of HSDFF films and events
  • Showcase Hot Springs films to a broader filmmaking community

To learn more, check out our FAQ page.